City Manager Appoints Members to the Envision
Cambridge Advisory Committee and Working Groups
The Envision Cambridge Advisory Committee, the Alewife
Working Group, and the Engagement and Communications Working Group
have been formed to advise City staff and a multidisciplinary team of
consultants on Envision Cambridge. View
the list of the Committee and Working Group members.
At later stages of the planning process, additional
working groups will be formed. We anticipate working groups on topics
such as climate and energy, economic development, housing, and
Meetings are open to the public and non-members are
welcome to attend. Stay tuned for an announcement of the first
meeting dates.
Cambridge Awarded Prestigious
5-STAR Community Rating for Sustainability 
Cambridge is proud to announce that in March 2016 the
City received a 5-Star rating from STAR Communities, a Washington,
D.C. based non-profit organization that recognizes and certifies
sustainable communities throughout North America. STAR defines a
sustainable community as one that "promotes a healthy
environment, a strong economy and well-being for all residents, now
and for future generations." The city set a new national
standard as the highest scoring community to date. View
the STAR Communities results for Cambridge.